The Super-Pro Championship Pool Table

The Best Tournament Pool table in South Africa

The pool table of choice by local clubs, organizations & top players alike.

Lauded as the number one tournament table in South Africa, the Super-Pro Championship Pool Table—coupled with the right Hainsworth Cloth—will change the thrilling strokes, and striking shots made in competition for the better.

Don’t believe us? Ask your local clubs, organizations and top players alike. Go Super-Pro by Union Billiards, for the champion’s pool table.

Besides having a genuine slate top for perfect straightness and trimmed with aluminium for both looks and strength the Super-Pro also has the following unique benefits:

  • SA approved championship cut pockets.
  • Special rubber fitted to cushion for superior and consistent bounce.
  • Superior design that allows for every shot played accurately to sink, even those tricky cushion shots that usually get kicked out of the pocket.
  • Hainsworth Cloth: Elite Pro Speed cloth or Club, Smart or Match Nap cloth.
  • Pyramid styled legs.
  • The table can be levelled perfectly.
  • Aramith Red/Yellow or Blue/Yellow league balls.

Manufactured from MDF board; built to last by our team of professional pool table builders. Comes with a R2, R5 or token mechanism.

The Super-Pro Championship Pool Table
The Super-Pro Championship Pool Table
The Super-Pro Championship Pool Table
Championship Pool Table
The Super-Pro Championship Pool Table

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Features and Accessories

With a host of colours and finishes to choose from you can ensure it fits in with your homes unique decor.

Request A Quote Today and start making money from the first game.

Manufactured from MDF board. Black.

black formica

It comes standard with premium speed or felt cloth and if you upgrade to the Hainsworth Club or Elite Pro – Green or Blue, the pool table instantly transforms into a championship playing pool table.

Hainsworth Club

Elite Pro

Table Size: 2.15 X 1.25 m
Min. Room Size: 4.6 X 3.6 m
Mass: 250 Kg

Essential Accessories included

  • 1 x Set ofAramith Red & Yellow or Blue & Yellow Pool Balls
  • 1 x  Triangle
  • 12 x Cue Chalk
  • 2 x Ramin Bar Cues
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